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​We meet at Lanza’s Cafe

Lanza's Cafe is a woman-owned café committed to building community, providing a safe place to work, socialize, chill and enjoy events ranging from live music -- jazz, acoustic, and more -- to open mic poetry, board games, and book clubs. Events are listed on an EventBrite calendar.


" ... poetry deserves to be shared," The Daily Tarheel.


Meet Our Founders

Erin L. Miller is a queer poet and communications specialist working in tech. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing at Bowling Green State University. Her poetry and reviews have appeared in Best New Poets, The Pinch, Whiskey Island, Bluestem, Black Warrior Review, and others. She lives in Durham, North Carolina with her two dogs. Her first book is forthcoming from Unicorn Press. Her website is

Joe “Uncle Joe” O’Keefe is a nonfiction writer and editor specializing in issues of the developing world. His work has been published in The New York Times and Washington Post among other leading publications. He is working on his first book of poetry. He lives in Chapel Hill with his Labrador, CJ. His website is

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